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Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University


四點設計 Contact to MT+FRIENDS+ for cooperation

Taiwan and Japan, with their mountainous terrains, nurture rich and diverse natural ecosystems. We have illustrated the 24 most unique and influential peaks on poster stamps. By doing so, we hope the charm of letter writing among public will be rekindled and they will immerse themselves in the mountains to understand each other better.

Utilizing the four seasons of the mountain landscape, employing perforations to divide and present the scene reminiscent of postage stamps. Presenting the contours of postage stamps with mountain peaks to showcase the uniqueness of each mountain. Dual-open binding introduces Taiwan-Japan mountain range ecology smoothly. The calendar combines postcards, with tags highlighting and marking holidays. The envelope integrates a paper scroll box structure, facilitating easier writing.

Wei~ Wa Ah Gon La

Department of Media Design, Tatung University

This is a product inspired by ordinary people's lives, utilizing microphone conversations to achieve a Taiwanese listening and speaking interactive experience, fostering intimate emotional connections between individuals, and enhancing the inheritance of Taiwanese language.

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