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Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University


四點設計 Contact to MILK.TW for cooperation

Drinking fresh milk, have you ever wondered where it comes from? The 24-hour journey of breaking down the local fresh milk, combined with fresh illustrations and information introductions, subverts the negative stereotype of the traditional dairy farming as dirty and unclean, and substitutes, and substitutes, a new concept of strict control and quality. From the fresh milk in our hands to the production area, to the dairy farmers, we can learn how they are quietly integrated into our daily life through these lovely and special publications, vividly expressing the wonderful journey from farm to table, which can not only make consumers feel more at ease, but also enhance their confidence in the good quality of local fresh milk. With a new understanding, in the future 2025, in the face of zero tariff on imported fresh milk, domestic fresh milk can also compete with consumers with good quality and confidence in a fair and healthy competition with imported fresh milk from different countries.

Divide the 24-hour journey of fresh milk into five steps: origin, harvesting, processing, packaging, and table. Delve into the details of each step in the content to better understand the en Fresh milk is not just a food product, but also a bond that connects family members. From being milked to reaching the consumer's hands, it takes only 24 hours, which is what we call truly f Through observation, we discovered the varied appearances of fresh milk, presented them using adhesive notes to reflect the diversity of milk. We track down all the roles and characters involved in this 24-hour journey from farm to table, presenting a complete story in the form of identification cards.


Department of Visual Communication Design, Ling Tung University

Taiwan and Japan, with their mountainous terrains, nurture rich and diverse natural ecosystems. We have illustrated the 24 most unique and influential peaks on poster stamps. By doing so, we hope the charm of letter writing among public will be rekindled and they will immerse themselves in the mountains to understand each other better.

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